

博客 | 10.04.2022

的世界 数字营销 继续飙升. The exploding growth in the field has molded a high demand to fill the amount of marketing jobs. Whether your skills lie more with strategy or the numbers side of 数字营销, there is a wide variety of career paths out in the world. 看看10个你可以从事的职业 数字营销学位.

1. 内容策略

作为内容战略家, you will take on the creative ability to craft content and the strategy behind it while keeping consumer needs in mind. In this field, it’s essential to be flexible but up-to-date on marketing trends and engagement. In this position, the ultimate goal is to increase brand awareness. You’ll constantly challenge your creativity and grow in professional abilities when serving as a content strategist.

2. 电子邮件营销

In the world of technology, over 300 billion emails are sent every day. A large quantity of them are from email marketing campaigns. 作为一个电子邮件营销人员, it’s your job to cultivate language and truly place yourself in your audience’s shoes. 对电子邮件设计有一个视觉上的眼光是关键. You’ll often work with a branding or content marketing team to ensure that your campaign’s tone and voice align with your company’s content strategy. This profession requires a strong work ethic and the ability to observe details that others might overlook.

3. 搜索引擎优化(SEO)专家

Keywording, targeting and bidding are just a few tasks in the job description of an SEO specialist. Researching and identifying keywords are a part of the typical SEO specialist routine. In this profession, you’ll strive to keep your company’s online presence and ranking high. There are often third-party systems used for SEO management and google ads is a standard system often used in this field.

4. 数字营销经理

经常负责运营数字频道, 包括广告, 有机含量及更多, the routine of a 数字营销 manager takes flexibility and adaptability. Having strengths in communication and writing are an asset in this profession. Digital marketing managers typically work with social media specialists and marketing directors. This position is often expected to collaborate with all members of a marketing team. Understanding and reporting analytics is also often a part of this position.

5. 社交媒体经理

A social media manager crafts content for any and all social media channels for a company. Being flexible and observant in this position is vital as social media trends change constantly. 作为一名社交媒体经理, it’s important to know your target audiences for each social media channel. Paid and organic social media can be included in the responsibilities of the position. They often work with 数字营销 managers, content strategists and marketing directors daily. It’s important to stay updated on user and marketing trends through organic content and campaigns.

6. 数据分析师或数字营销分析师

作为数据或数字营销分析师, interpreting data and analytics is a constant part of their daily routine. 解决问题的能力, 报告文件, communication and data converting are great in this profession. 作为分析师, your role is vital to your company’s success as it assists a company to better understand the needs of target audiences.

7. 内容创造者

魔法背后的思想. Content creators often have a visual eye for content and can write fluently. From simple posts to creative campaigns, a content creator has an upbeat day-to-day routine. 他们可以承担从摄像到平面设计的任务. It’s important to work well under pressure in this career and to adapt.

8. 平面设计师

An artist’s eye – exactly what it takes to be a graphic designer. Understanding a wide variety of styles and branding initiatives go along with the skill set of the position. 从社交媒体图形到印刷产品, the possibilities are endless when it comes to pursuing this career. It’s important to stay updated with different trends and software for this job.

9. 销售总监

你善于说服别人吗? 也许销售这一行很适合你. Understanding your target audience is key when working in sales. One important factor is that you need to be passionate about your product and have skills in thinking quickly and critically. Working under pressure can often play a part in this profession.

10. 广播经理

As a broadcast manager, you want to ensure that your communication skills are strong. 无论是电台广播还是新闻台, it’s important to adapt in this profession as it can require thinking critically and being organized. Leadership skills are vital in this career as there could be a shift in your routine at any point during the day. Being a broadcast manager can be a fast-paced work environment but very productive in the long run.

Earning a degree at SMWC means you’re gaining more than an education. You’ll develop leadership skills and experience personal growth throughout your time here. You will acquire a well-rounded knowledge base of business and marketing concepts to allow you to secure a job to impact and engage the evolving digital world. 选择是无穷无尽的.


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